Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Welcome to RilaJane's Playhouse blog. As you may have guessed, this blog is named after Riley, and our soon-to-arrive daughter, Lila-Jane. We're glad you stopped by and we hope you enjoy reading about the (many to come, I'm sure) adventures of Katie, Joe, Riley, Lila-Jane, and the farm (Rosco, Sulli, Izzy, Ellie).

It's August 9th 2007 and there's a lot of excitement in the air about the imminent birth of Lila-Jane -- due date August 29th. She's doing a great job these days impersonating Aliens, with her exhuberant stretches inside Mom's packed-too-tight belly. I'm not sure who will be more relieved when she makes her entrance into the world -- Mom or her?!

Katie is ready to pop, both literally and with excitement about finally having a little one in the family who won't complain about wearing pink leopard print hats...not that she hasn't given it a valiant effort with Riley. But alas, it's just not as satisfying to dress a little boy like a little girl...even if his curly, golden locks do hang halfway down his back.

Riley is just starting to understand that he'll be a big brother soon. And we're trying to convince him that secretively feeding Sullivan and Rosco his unwanted green-beans under the kitchen table is not "sharing". Oh well...he'll learn the art of being a big brother soon enough. Some of Riley's precocious feats as of late include a crafty insertion of multiple match-box cars down the muffler of Mom's car -- followed by his repetitive claim that his cars "go down down in tunnel"; and a painful electrocution from "the big owwie" plug outlet in the wall. Needless to say, he's always game for a new adventure...and Mom/Dad are doing our best to keep up!